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Filmmaker | Cinematographer | Editor

Brian is an award-winning cinematographer,  from The 48-Hour Film Project 2022 and received awards for the best of show, best directing, and best editing from Full Sail University's DCBS 14-day film festival in March 2023.


As a child, Brian was captivated by the power of technology to bring his creative visions to life. It was only natural, then, that he would one day grab his mother's handheld camera to film a live video for some friends' band. After spending countless hours editing the video and presenting it to them, he discovered his true passion: being a content creator.


Fast forward to the present day and Brian has rediscovered his love for film. He enrolled in Full Sail University's Digital Cinematography Bachelor of Science degree program and is set to graduate in March 2023. Along the way, he has been involved in several exciting projects, including serving as a video editor and audio editor for a popular true-crime podcast with over 50k listens. The podcast also has a thriving YouTube page with thousands of views featuring podcast episodes, review videos, scripted sketches, and guest appearances. More recently, he has started working with a local wrestling promotion, producing and delivering a bi-monthly episodic series that showcases his live video production skills.


Despite being busy with these projects, Brian still finds time to pursue his personal goals. When he's not spending time with his family, he loves writing scripts for films that he plans to produce and shoot on little to no budget. He sees this as a fun and challenging way to hone his craft as a filmmaker. At his core, Brian wants to create and share stories through film and other media that resonate with people and leave a lasting impact.

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